Купить Виниловую пластинку LP: Fancy — «Flames Of Love» (1988/2023) [Limited Turquoise Vinyl]

LP: Fancy — «Flames Of Love» (1988/2023) [Limited Turquoise Vinyl]


    Most music lovers of the 80s called this record the pinnacle of the artist's work and one of the best disco albums of all time. Released in 1988, Fancy's third LP turned out to be the most hit - what are only Flames Of Love, Moscow Is Calling, I Can't Live Without You, Bodyguard and China Blue. Dance and incendiary songs with quality lyrics are one of those markers of quality that are characteristic of this record. In our edition, the non-album single "Fools Cry" will be added to the main track list.


    Flames Of Love
    Moscow Is Calling
    I Can't Live Without You (Lonely Nights)
    What's Your Name, What's Your Game
    Spy In The Night
    Tonight The Devil Wins My Soul
    Blue Eyed Lady
    China Blue
    Fools Cry

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